RosBuild is given the UFI label

07.04.20212 minutes

The RosBuild International Exhibition for Building and Finishing Materials and Technologies has been given the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) approved label. This decision was taken by the UFI Executive Committee. 

The total number of Expocentre's own exhibitions with the Association's label has thus reached 25.

The RosBuild exhibition is the main event of Russian Construction Week. This March the trade show was held for the second time. 151 companies from 11 countries exhibited on over 6,700 sq. m.: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, Turkey, the UK, and the USA. Five Russian regions were represented by the group stands: Vladimir, Voronezh, Omsk, Saratov and Tver Oblast.

The exhibitors showcased the latest samples of construction materials and equipment, interesting technological developments in demand in construction, design and decoration of residential and office premises, industrial buildings and structures. The total number of professional visitors amounted to 7,100 people.

The exhibition is organised by EXPOCENTRE AO under auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with support of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, Russian Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities, National Association of Home Builders, Union of Architects of Russia, Wood Housing Association, National Association of Builders, Russian Union of Designers, Russian Guild of Managers and Developers, Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia and the Association of Ceramic Materials Manufacturers.  

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO

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